Hi! I’m Huma Qurashi, an international educator and food writer, excited about bringing you traditional Pakistani recipes from across the country. While Pakistan enjoys an incredibly rich and diverse cuisine, it is poorly documented. If you are new to Pakistani cooking and have tried to look up recipes online, with the exception of a handful of excellent bloggers, you will be hard-pressed to find quality recipes that are truly representative of the diversity of the country.

Delice Food Recipes strives to collect, document and feature recipes that go beyond the handful of Punjabi dishes you find at restaurant menus, to present a more complete picture of sub-continent cuisine. I invite Pakistanis from across the country, from its rugged Himalayas to quiet coastlines, and the diaspora, to share recipes that evoke memories of family and childhood that are unique to their experience.

THE STORY OF Delice Food Recipes

Huma Qurashi is an international educator that grew up in Islamabad, studied in Lahore, and immigrated to the United States in 2008. While she was not much of a cook growing up, homesickness in Washington D.C. forced her into the kitchen where she learned that preparing and sharing a home-cooked meal was one of the most rewarding ways to build and sustain friendships in foreign places.